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Beautiful Blessings,
Looking out of the window, white billowing clouds dance across the deep sea blue sky. My eyes fixate on one vast cloud that has been illuminated by the sun—shimmering pearl-essence white with many facets and faces peaking out to me. Like a shapeshifter, this cloud morphs into many different beings right before my eyes. I see a trio of mermaids overlighted by the great god of the sea, Neptune, and a myriad of magical power animals at once revealing themselves only to fade into the soft shimmering stillness of this cloud. A winged spirit bird calls me to take a soar across the heavens—and I find myself journeying into the realm of the soul. Its pearl essence radiance is luminous and I feel myself unfolding within its unconditional love, wisdom and power.
Vast, expansive and luminous: it is said, that a human soul is made up of five parts: Heart, Shadow, Name, Soul and Spark. Soul can be defined as the true essence of someone; this essence is an extension of the Spirit or I Am Presence that overlights each person (the aspect that holds the person’s higher truth and wisdom and is always connected to Source Light). The soul extends from the I Am Presence of a person to anchor into the physical body vehicle that a person is born into for that particular lifetime. The soul essence of the spirit holds within its matrix the sum total of all experiences and memories that a person has lived as a human and even as an angel or a star person from another dimension. During each lifetime, the soul experiences lessons and choices that guide its evolutionary journey.
The deepest and most profound experience that I have had to understanding the human/soul journey was when I was struck by lightning in Sedona in 1997. During my near death experience, I was catapulted into the golden realm of what I know today to be the heavenly realm of the Seraphim Angels. Arriving within its glorious golden temple I was aware that I had died and also aware that I had returned to my true home. Here, I was surrounded by a choir of angels singing to my soul I was so presently myself and yet I was no longer in my body— I was still me and yet I was free. Floating in this realm of light the angels filled my soul, my heart, with the most beautiful music, music that sang to me of Creation and the unconditional love that all life is birthed from. I was myself and yet fully aware of being connected to the infinite all. Also, in that moment I realized that life here on Earth is a precious gift and that my soul had more to learn, more to share and more to create. I joyfully returned to my physical body, grateful for the gift of life and the ability to share my gifts and talents in the world—my ability to connect deeply with other souls in a human body. This experience set me on a journey to travel to sacred sites, to learn everything about the soul, the heart, and who we really are.
When I first began sharing angel readings at the Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles 20 years ago, I will never forget and always keep the memory close to my heart the first lessons the guardian angels shared with me about how they perceive humanity. As the first woman stepped forward to receive her angel reading, I took her hands to greet her and immediately felt her angel’s energy run through my body—the energy of light, and it was filled with love that lifted me up and then I as I looked into her eyes, I was shown the beauty of her soul. Filled with luminous light and many colors, I saw the pure essence of her heart. Overwhelmed with her soul’s gorgeousness, tears brimmed my eyes, and then her angels shared how much they love her and how much they wanted her to know how beautiful she is and that although she does not feel worthy of such love, they are always here with her. I saw tears in the woman’s eyes and then her guardian angel said her true name and the woman opened her eyes wide and said that is my favorite name and as the angel shared about the woman’s sadness and hardship, they also whispered that these were not mistakes and said that they are lessons and it is time to take the wisdom from all that you have learned and apply it to your life.
The woman left the session, transformed through her smile, and when I hugged her I could truly feel that her soul essence had returned. For the next two days during the Conscious Life Expo, the angels showed me person after person’s soul. The first thing I saw before anything else was the beauty of the soul. Before they asked a question, I was shown their soul. I discovered in that weekend that the angels love their person no mater what; they are our true champions and here to guide us to love ourselves and to truly know that our essence, our soul. is divine. I learned that when entering into the intimate energy field of another for healing or a reading, I am truly touching their souls. Here within this soul space, the angels shared, one is to proceed with great reverence for someone’s entire journey, honoring them without judgements, understanding their journey with deep compassion. Here, I discovered how very much the angels simply love the person they are watching over; they seem to understand the journey of the soul into physical form and the amnesia that the soul goes through when it comes back into life.
Through my own quest, I discovered the many ways I had turned away from my soul’s destiny because I did not feel good enough, pretty enough, or perfect enough. I had been studying healing work since I was fifteen years old, but went into the movie business because I did not feel that I was saintly enough to be a healer. Here, I also discovered the beauty of my deep connection with the Goddess, with God, for it was through my soul’s relentless desire to understand the meaning of life, the meaning of death, I began to mystically journey into the realm of my soul to discover its vast magnificence as well as its ancient wisdom and deep experience of life.
In 1999, I began to study shamanic healing and soul retrieval. At first, as with everything I do, I began to apply the practices to myself and then went on to facilitate many soul retrievals for clients. Here, I discovered the many ways in which our soul expresses itself to us and the deep mystical gateway that opens when we truly connect with the essence of our soul. I truly have come to know that embodying the wisdom and love of our soul is one of the keys to living fully and freely in each and every moment.
Through my soul exploration I learned of the many lives I had lived, the many ways I gave away my power or lost my power to religious wars and people who sought to disempower the goddess, the Divine Feminine essence. As I healed these wounded places and uncovered the illusions of what true power is, I begin to forgive others, to forgive myself, to know that I am good enough, just like I now know that I, you, and everyone—is a unique soul essence of Goddess/God/Creator/Source Light and Love. Here I began to breathe my essence back into my soul, back into my heart and anchor into my physical body temple.
My Inspiration for Facilitating This Month’s Soul Retrieval Activation
As I was meditating and tuning in to see if I should share an activation this month, I was clearly shown that the star alignment of this month’s celestial lineup on April 23rd, when Venus cosmically aligns with Chiron in Aries to heal the energies of the feminine Aries (fierce feminine archetype), is a divine opportunity for us to connect with and call aspects of our soul home to us. Here, we would be able to embody our wild and fearless empowered feminine soul essence within the core of our being. I am truly excited to share this soul awakening journey with you; I know it will be transformative, a beautiful rebirth, and so timely with the energies of Yeshua’s symbolic resurrection/rebirth at Easter—truly a time to connect Spirit, Soul and Heart as One. A time to open our hearts to the beauty of our souls and speak from our true authentic voice. A time to sing our soul’s song empowered and free!
If you feel the calling you are invited to join me for this mystical moment of Soul Illumination—a true coming home to Self.
In Divine Love, Susanna Sophia
Below, I have written out some information about how I have come to understand the process of soul retrieval…. Enjoy!!! And I hope you will join me for our spectacular soul-inspired activation!!! Xxx
What is Soul Retrieval?
As we examine the deeper meaning of “soul retrieval,” we must first understand the energetic matrix of “soul loss” and how it can be viewed as playing a profound role in our soul’s journey into physical reality and also affect our ability to live our divine destiny fully and presently. Your soul is vast and magnificent. Filled with wisdom, it carries the memories of all lifetimes you have ever experienced. It longs to express itself in form and to evolve through its many experiences and lessons of life.
The Soul as a Vessel of Light
We can liken the soul to a vessel filled with light where, when filled with our purest essence, we are whole and complete. The soul is vast and magnificent and when we connect with the essence of our soul we are able to tap into the mystical aspect of Self, the part of us that is connected to the infinite all. When we experience “soul loss,” we can view this as a fragmenting of the vessel where pieces of our soul become disconnected or separated from our physical body—then so, too, is our soul’s experience of life within this present moment also fragmented. When this occurs, we are unable to access the fullness of our life force within ourselves; here, we may feel incomplete or a sense of loss within ourselves.
From my perspective, when I work with a person’s soul or life force essence, my intuitive vision sees the soul as a luminous egg of light. Its holographic structure contains our memories, emotions and experiences from our very beginnings—our birth through Source Light, (Mother Father God) that holds within its matrix our entire experience of life in the physical world.
When looking at the soul, I usually see the codes of life (DNA) weaving their way esoterically from the I Am Presence of a person (her Higher Self, also known as Spirit) into a spiraling lattice light that connects individual Spirit to the soul and then, through its weaving of filaments of light it spirals into the physical body temple. If we were to look at a map of the soul, we could view this as a trinity of Spirit-Soul-Body. I experience these three energetic structures as eggs nesting one within another, and within them are threads and filaments of light that are connected to the web of all Life, the matrix of our universe. If the soul has experienced hardship or trauma, these threads of light can form knots along the esoteric line of the spine; these are the karmic knots of the soul’s experiences that are woven within the framework of this life and have a direct correlation with the lessons and destiny we have chosen for this lifetime.
Each thread connects to a story or an experience of the soul’s history that stretches back into time. And yet, when we heal what is going on within our lifetime in the present, the past, too, is healed. When we heal ourselves through past life therapy, the present is healed as well because these filaments of light are all energetically alive in this very present moment. Here, through the healing of the soul, you are weaving these threads of life force once again within the dynamic essence of your soul, spirit and body as one.
As you look deeper and follow the weaving of these threads, you see that they also hold the matrix structure that includes your parents and your present life ancestry, which also stretches back in time and is part of a larger, more encompassing structure of what makes up who you are. Sometimes, we are carrying an essence of a great grandmother’s soul aspect or a relative from the past. Sometimes we actually lived this life and other times we are just carrying the experience of the lineage.
Soul loss can occur in our lives when we experience acute abuse, traumas and/or chronic, prolonged conditions of illness, neglect, self sabotage, stress, or mistreatment. Types of trauma that can cause soul loss are sexual, physical, or emotional abuse. Soul loss may be experienced during an accident, natural disaster, a war, a coma, being victim of a violent crime, having an addiction, a surgery, divorce, or the death of a loved one. These are points of pain where soul fragmentation can be experienced. Please remember that what can create soul loss in one person might not create soul loss in another. When we experience soul loss, aspects of our soul that experienced the trauma can become energetically “trapped” or “frozen” in the cycle of the pain. Here, they will continue to relive and cycle within the conditions of their fracturing and wounding long after the trauma has occurred.
It is important to understand that soul loss often occurs to protect the essence of the soul and in most cases the soul cannot handle the trauma and so moves to a place where it can dwell in peace. It is how we survive pain. Here, the soul is able to move into another realm of the energetic makeup of the person to not experience the pain or full impact of the trauma.
When the soul is fragmented, the individual may continue to consciously or unconsciously “search” for the missing piece of her soul by recreating the same, or similar, circumstances as the original trauma in order to heal and reconnect to this missing essence of self.
Many, many times, the lost piece of soul will be entangled in the dynamic of someone else’s energy that occurred through co-dependence and this is often experienced as needing someone else to complete or fulfill us. In truth, we are searching for that missing part of ourselves in others. The true healing is when we reclaim this missing part of our life force energy; here, we feel filled up and in wholeness.
In psychology, we call soul loss disassociation, while the shaman understands that when the soul fragments, a part of the person’s essence/soul leaves the physical body and moves into a space known as non-ordinary reality. This is often a place of peace where the soul comfortably resides until a healer who understands soul loss facilitates the return of the fragmented soul part to return to wholeness within the client/person they are working with. There is a tremendous amount of life force energy that returns when the soul fragment returns home and spontaneous healing accompanied by a return of personal power will often be experienced.
Soul loss can occur at any age—even at birth—and a soul retrieval can be facilitated whenever a person is prepared and ready to call back their essence and integrate its life force within her energetic matrix.
Soul Retrieval
Soul retrieval is an empowering spiritual practice that heals soul loss. Soul loss is experienced at painful points in life when we have deep trauma or at times of weakness when we may give our power or part of our soul expression away to another. This creates a fragmented soul essence. From a shamanic perspective, soul loss is a common cause of illness.
The experience of a soul retrieval will be unique and different for each person. Some people will experience an expanded sense of self, happiness or wholeness, while others will feel quiet, still and possibly tired after a soul retrieval session. After I had my first soul retrieval session, I felt empowered from within the very core essence of my being—feeling as if a light was turned on within my heart. From that moment on, I have been able to communicate with my soul to receive wisdom, guidance and deep understanding.
When a person starts calling their soul parts back, gathering themselves up and having their vital essence returned, often they find that their current relationships may shift or at times even end. This occurs because when we are missing parts of ourselves, we pull in people who are also fragmented and mirror what we are missing. For example, if we suppress our anger, we may find ourselves with drawn to an individual who expresses anger. If we have given our personal power away, we may draw in people who will take our power.
Once we are whole, we attract relationships with people who are also whole. Being whole, we find ourselves enjoying more moments of self love, true acceptance, inner grace and peace. In this way, we welcome and draw in supportive, graceful, loving and peaceful relationships. We will also experience that some of the things that triggered us no longer have the same effect upon us.
As you call your soul essence home, welcome your soul back with an open body, heart, and mind. Breathe her into the very core of your being. Truly breathe with your soul essence; allow her to fill you up with her magnificent light.
A soul retrieval often includes healing an old story that keeps repeating in your life. You are invited to create a new chapter to rewrite a positive destiny that you are working towards.
Think of ways that you can honor the expression of you soul’s unique voice in the world.
Preparing for a Soul Retrieval
As with ritual and ceremony, and most things in life, preparation can smooth the way for your soul retrieval experience to be one of profound and deep healing. Here are a few suggestions that will help you prepare for your soul retrieval:
- Set your intention through mediation or write in your journal that you are ready to call your life force soul essence home to your heart
- Refrain from alcohol and other mind-altering substances 24 hours before and after your soul retrieval
- Ask your soul for a healing dream to help you connect with your missing essence the night before your soul retrieval
- Spend time connecting to nature before and after your soul retrieval
- Think of a metaphor to help you absorb the light of your essence such as a flower soaking up the sun or your body vessel filling with soul essence life force energy
- Reflect upon any re-looping patterns or points of trauma in your life that you are ready to release and write them on a piece of paper and burn them in the fire
The Soul Retrieval Activation
Our intention for this Soul Retrieval Activation is to reclaim our empowered fierce feminine soul aspect. She may have left lifetimes ago, or through an experience that you had in this lifetime.
During our mediation, you will be lovingly guided to the realm where your fragmented soul aspect dwells to discover your inner empowerment as well as the gifts and talents your soul wants to share in this lifetime. We will journey into the vast, magnificent realm of your soul to discover and meet the aspect or your empowered soul that is ready to return to you. Here, you will create a deep and intimate connection and discover why this part of self has left.
We will then have a moment of integration to assimilate the beauty and empowered aspect of our soul that has returned home to the core of ourselves.
—Looking forward to sharing this empowering soul awakening journey with you!
All of my love, Susanna