Join the Magdalene Movement
The Divine Feminine is Rising
Opening Her Heart,
Mary Magdalene Invites Us to Meet Her
Heart-to-Heart, Soul-to-Soul,
With Her Beloved Twin Flame Yeshua.
Please Join Us For a Special
Sacred Marriage Ceremony
~Celebrating Beltane on May 1st~
Beautiful blessings,
And welcome to this wonderful Beltane Gateway.
From a deep and silent sleep your soul stirs. Hearing the celestial song of the stars, it awakens to witness the illuminated azure twilight, the morning sky’s first glimmers of the sun’s glow. The stars shimmer and dance in celebration, rising high above the now turquoise horizon, stirring your dreamer’s imagination—inspiring your Heart to be rebirthed through the grace of this month’s Beltane Gateway when the warm, golden glow of spring shimmers and dances through the amberous rays of the rising sun’s Heart, and we are filled with its warmth.
Together as one family of Light, we welcome the cosmic blessings of May’s potent and powerful Beltane festival of Love, Magic & Fertility. A time when everything is born anew, these new beginnings unfold before us like the blossoming of the rose or the emergence of the hatchling from its shell. This is a time of embracing, embodying and becoming Living Light, truly a time of breathing new life into your dreams and to give birth to your deepest desires. All the universe is shining upon you now—so let the magic begin.
The Celtic May Day is celebrated by a festival known as Beltane. It officially begins at moonrise on May Day Eve and its doorway opens into the third quarter or second half of the ancient Celtic year. The rituals were held to honor and promote fertility across the land. The central ceremonial fire was interpreted as symbolic with the sun.
This is a sacred ceremonial holiday in honor of Sacred Union–both between Goddess and God and between women and men. Rituals include braiding of one’s hair to honor sacred marriage between beloveds. Here, sexuality is celebrated as holy, with women embodying and becoming the Goddess, Man becoming and embodying the God of Fertility.
Beltane, known as the Festival of Lovers, honors the Sacred Marriage between the Divine and the masculine. Here, the art of the hieros gamos was enacted to insure fertility and an abundance of crops for the entire community. Within the Sacred Union of the Divine Couple, their Love spreads fertility throughout the land, bringing abundance through the earth’s bountiful birth of life, food, beauty, and inspiration. The myths of Beltane state that the young God has blossomed into manhood and the Goddess takes him on as her lover. Together, they learn the secrets of the sexual and the sensual, and through their union, all life begins.
We celebrated by dancing around and through the fire, the maypole and under the stars. The Priest, Priestess and all the townsfolk gathered together to celebrate in this joyous occasion, partaking in laughter. As they spiral around the fire, the energy builds and builds into a magical manifesting ritual cone of power. Here, each participant holds his or her dream deep in their Hearts and their womb/hara centers, and when it is time, their dreams are released into Mother Earth’s rich womb and on into the starry skies. Here, lovers would meet and life mates and twin flames would marry. It is a time of freedom and celebration, a time to open your Heart to the fullness of passion—and expand out to the stars, to both Earth and sky—the places where our Hearts are embedded with magic, ripe with fertility and Love.
At this enchanted Beltane gateway, in the reflective Light of the Moon Maiden’s pearl essence, we honor Mary Magdalene’s first meeting with her beloved Yeshua—the moment that set her on her truth path of destiny. For their union would be a blessing for all. As the true Light of the Magdalene returns to Hearts everywhere, she is overlighting us at this time and guiding us to live life fully, walking the path of our Divine Destiny.
Long ago, in the days when villages shared in the Beltane May Day celebrations, we lived close to and in harmony with Gaia and our lives were naturally in tune with the primordial song of Life. In community, together we gathered to celebrate the spirits of the crops, the elementals and to honor those who worked and cared for the land—the land that nourishes us and keeps us strong. We sang and danced and laughed together, chanting the name of the Divine, and in our Hearts we were as one golden thread interwoven within all of Time.
As we enter into the glistening, shimmering rays of May’s Beltane Twin Flame Activation, the gateways are open for all twin flames to heal and be drawn together, eye-to-eye, soul-to-soul. At this very moment, Mary Magdalene and her beloved Yeshua are sending pulsating cosmic waves of Pure Heart Love into every cell and atom within your being. Spinning your atoms into higher frequencies of Love and Light, this wave of cosmic bliss is pulsating throughout the matrix of our galaxy and reaching into the very center of your Divine Heart.
As you open your Heart to Beltane’s magnificent portal of Divine Partnership and Sacred Union of beloved twin souls, your soul comes shining through and you find yourself dancing in the most breathtakingly beautiful, colorful cosmic rays of Light. This beautiful rainbow is arching through the luminous lattice of your spiritual Heart and reaching into the very core essence of your soul, reminding, reawakening and rebirthing Holy Love within you.
To experience HOLY Love is to experience the most sacred union of two Hearts beating as One. To meet another at such a deep place of Oneness is to experience a feeling of Love so powerful that it catches you by surprise. It is a boundless feeling that cannot be contained within the limits of “conditional Love”. It is an unconditional Love that opens your Heart so wide that it feels as if it might burst.
From this place of intense expansion, Love pours out from every level of your being in passionate waves of bliss. These waves of bliss flow directly into your partner’s Heart.
Holy Love is so tangible that it touches and caresses the deepest spaces within your partner’s soul. From this deep space of Divine Union, personalities melt away, your bodies disappear and your Hearts melt together in a Sacred Embrace … As One … One Heart Beating.
Honoring the Light of your Heart, Susanna