Beautiful Blessings!!!
As I am writing this message, I look out from my window as the night slowly fades to greet the new dawn, the Sun a soft and distant glow upon the horizon. The spirits of the wind breathe life into the clouds as they drift across the deep blue sky and reflect the silver-tipped rays of starlight, gently beaming and blessing us this new day. In the distance, I see a sparkling glimmer of iridescent light, the first stirrings and shimmers of Lady Venus rising in the morning sky, blessing this month’s powerful gateway of Spring.
Earlier this month, Venus, symbolizing the Sumerian goddess, Inanna, continues her cyclical celestial initiation from the rising morning star through to the Dark Night of the Soul—on her journey to the underworld. Within the shadow aspect of the underworld, she must face her fears to pass her initiation—to die to the old ways of power to be born again as the phoenix rising. At the beginning of this month, Venus entered the fourth gateway of her decent, the gateway of the heart. Here, she gives up her vestment—the multi-jeweled breastplate that shields her own heart.
Romantic Relationships and Our Hearts
For me, Venus releasing her breastplate signifies the letting go of old ways that we as women born into today’s society were entrained to adhere to. We have been taught since ancient times to surrender in love to a man before we even knew if this man’s heart was true or if he carried within his matrix the Divine Masculine qualities of nobility and honor.
Often, the woman gave her heart away before she even knew if her suitor was worthy. She did this because she, more than anything, wanted to be loved, and to be in love. She wanted approval from a man. Today, as we release our breastplates that have formed a matrix over our hearts that have defined the way that we view relationships of the heart, let go of the many ways we have locked ourselves into an old paradigm that no longer serves the archetype of sacred relationships and relating.
Spring is a time of equal balance, and as we move through this gateway, you are invited to review your past relationships, to dive in and see where you gave away parts of your heart’s essence to someone who could not reciprocate your love. These are heart-wounds that take a little bit from us each and every time they occur. I am all in for love and the desire to experience and express unconditional love. And if your heart is big enough to just love and love without wanting anything in return—then that is truly a high state of being and I commend you for this! And yet, if this is not the case and you are feeling taken advantage or your relationship is one-sided—and this is for men and women both—if the relationship is leaving you drained or empty, then this is a meaningful time to dive deep within and take a look and see what needs deeper healing. Do you need to find ways to empower your heart through exploring the beauty of all that you have to share with another?
We are moving through powerful gateways of change, and although, as hard as we may try, we cannot change others, we can only change ourselves. Our inner wellbeing is key to how we will perceive the outer world in all of our relationships. These powerful gateways into healing are about true self-reflection, and here we must also look at our expectations: what do we expect out of love and is this in harmony and balance with our true inner heart? Sometimes it’s hard to see through all of the conditioning we have experienced in forming these old matrixes, but necessary for true change and growth.
As we enter into the doorway of the Spring Equinox we enter the gateway of the Sun in Aries: the emerging planetary activation of our Warrioress of Light, the birth of the new feminine consciousness of self-love, self worth, heart expression and harmony,;the rise of the feminine heart standing firmly on the rich soil of Gaia. She is the feminine Christ who is now planting the seeds of new beginnings in the world, and this month she is planting the seeds within the magic of Libra’s Full Supermoon.
Harmony in relationships is the key theme as the return of the Goddess signifies the balance of the Divine Feminine and Masculine lights working their way towards balance in a world that has lately and presently felt so very unbalanced. And yet we know that change does not happen through the same lens that we have been viewing life through. It cannot occur within the same day-in-and-day-out matrix in which we have been living. Change can be dynamic as we have to unroot the weeds before we can sow the seeds of true destiny. When I look around, I see that we are at the caterpillar’s stage of the chrysalis where everything breaks down before it becomes the beautiful butterfly.
This Spring we are also experiencing our third and final Full Supermoon of 2019. We began this year with three consecutive Supermoons in the first three months of 2019, which, when we break 2019 down, is a 3 year. This brings significance to the alchemical energies of the 3 x 3 x 3, the Mother, Father and Child, the pyramid, and all that symbolizes the magic of 3.
A Supermoon is when the Moon is closest to the planet Earth. This gives the lunar quality of the Moon’s magnetism more weight, which in turn, pulls the tides of the oceans, and this effects us as well. Since we are mostly made of water, the Moon’s pull on the ocean tides also effects us internally.
Here within the Libra Supermoon, we can find balance to our inner flow. This is a wonderful time to lie down with a poem of a vow or affirmations, written words on your heart or your belly, recite them and allow the words to activate your inner water system. Just like the experiments of Dr. Emoto, you will feel the crystalline inner structures of your body’s water temple creating a harmony within its crystalline matrix.
Two Full Moons in Libra, Back-to-Back
This year, we will experience the celestial symphony of two Full Moons in Libra. The first Libra Full Moon falls on the same day as the Spring Equinox when the Sun moves into Aries on March 20, 2019. We will experience the second Libra Full Moon one day before the Sun enters Taurus on April 19, 2019. This rare cosmic event of the “double Libra” will impact us with the Libran influence of the powerful planetary archetypal qualities of inner balance, truth, and sacred relationships. It will also accentuate the desire for us to find inner balance with self. Libra’s alchemical star lineup with Chiron, the wounded healer, creates a chalice of Living Light for us Warrioresses of Light to embody the qualities of peace and harmony within all of our relationships to blaze a new path of integrity and accountability. At time when so many people are at odds with themselves and each other we see the pendulum of emotions, beliefs and ideas are in full swing from one spectrum to the other, this rare occurrence of two full Libra moons back to back will alchemically support deep healing and transformation in all of our relationships as it open the path for forgiveness and grace to harmonize the heart.
This empowering moon glow dancing in constellation of Libra through out the first month of Spring will set the emerging energy pattern of inner peace and balance for the entire Spring season. Its celestial song will help us to not only heal the past but also to bring new love into our lives if we so desire. This is a potent, powerful and perfect time to plant the seeds of soul destiny for a new relationship to blossom.
Be aware and mindful that you may experience the influence of the double-Libra Full Moon having deep effects on not only yourself, but also with those around you, your love relationships, career colleagues, family members, and your friends. This truly is a time when we can reach out to someone we have been at odds with and heal the wounds or hurt feelings with one another. This a wonderful time of re-balancing re-awakening and recalibrating the way we approach relationships to bring a deeper soul understanding to accepting others for who they are. The effect will be strong at the first Full Moon on March 20, and will be even stronger at the 2nd rendition of the Libra Full Moon on April 19. Get ready to compromise and cooperate with the people who are important to you!
As the full moon in Libra invites us to dance with one another, the Spring constellation of the Sun dancing in Aries, invites us to pioneer change through acton, and initiating something new through self awareness and self-assertion. This springs gateway opens us to illuminating our inner warrior or warrioress of Light. Here we honor the beautiful of who we are as we fully embody our true essence as co-creator with the Divine Universe, Mother/Father God. In harmony with the Aries Sun, Our libra Moon invites us to find balance and harmony with our relationship of self, healthy self love as well as our relationships with others. It invites those that tend to find them selves in co-dependent relationships to heal and create healthy boundaries through self-love and awareness. Here we know who we are and honor and value ourselves, we are not looking for someone to love or prove that we are lovable no matter the cost, for we know that true love is a balance a dance of harmonies melodies that are reflected to us when we are balanced within.
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, so when the Sun enters this sign, it represents the start of a new beginning and new cycle and the start of the astrological year. In spring we open our door and window to let the sun in we go outside for we have been in a more reflective and inward energy and now the energy is moving outward inviting you to plant the seed intentions of your highest destiny… what seed will you sow and grow in this new cycle. What is your passion, what is your heart’s calling in this present moment? Your inner warrioress is inviting you to shine a brilliant light our into life.
Warrioresses of Light, Shine your Healed Heart to the World!!!
Another empowering alignment that dances its way into this year’s Equinox is that of Chiron. Chiron is an asteroid and it carries within its matrix the archetype of the Wounded Healer. In truth, these are not wounds of weaknesses, for Chiron holds within its matrix the miraculous power of the hero’s journey. Here, one heals as she embodies strength, compassion, grace and empowerment through their most difficult life experiences.
Chiron teaches us to embody the wisdom. From our wounds, as we release them, we empower ourselves as healers who can walk others through the darkness and into the light. The Sun represents the light and shining our gifts and talents out into the world. It represents passion and the energy fuel to live that passion fully and freely. Truly, this is a time to heal our Wounded Healers and Warrioresses of Light to stand shoulder-to-shoulder, hand-in-hand, and shine a light of true empowered love into the world.
To honor these magnificent energies, I am creating a Warrioress of Light Activation designed to heal our wounded hearts and spirits, heal past and present relationships and illuminate our paths of empowerment going forward. I hope you will join me for this incredible Spring event!!!
All of my love, Susanna Sophia