Beautiful Blessings and Love,
Sending you infinite pink rays of Love… For this month Love is in the air, in the starry skies, the planets and most potently–our Hearts. As the new day rises on the horizon, the first glimmers of the Sun’s glow touch us deeply within… We feel the energetic dance of Mars and Venus as they are making a Divine Pilgrimage to meet Heart-to-Heart in a sacred union alignment on February 22nd… This beautiful celestial alignment of Venus and Mars on our horizon signifies the Divine coming together of Twin Flames and Soul Mates everywhere.
This beautiful February month is truly and divinely designed for us to fully embody and live our romantic dreams as lovers, artists, healers, mothers, friends and in whatever way we choose to express our passion and Heart in the world.
Today’s Star Alignment
From a Divine and heavenly dream your Soul stirs; you awaken to witness the celestial dance of the stars… Here, you witness the sapphire blue twilight twinkling, as in this very moment four planets are dancing in harmony in Pisces today, truly energizing your ability to dream your life anew… These four planets are Neptune (o6 Pisces 41), Chiron (15 Pisces 44), Venus (17 Pisces 42), and Mars (22 Pisces 57). Here within this Divine Matrix, Mars is receiving healing within the masculine archetype through the Love of Venus, the healing energies of Chiron, and the spiritual Light of Neptune, all aligning him for his beautiful sacred union with Venus later this month. If you listen with ears to hear you will hear the sacred sound of this wonderful symphony of Light and feel the rhythm of its pulsating Love Light burning as a pure flame within your Heart, helping you to immerse yourself into the spiritual effervescent Piscean shimmering world of mystical dreaming… To dream the dream that awakens you to truly living life from your Heart’s deepest soulful desires… This is a wonderful time for you to truly tune in and envision your dreams as reality… Truly an invitation to anchor your dreams here in the world.
On February 11th
As our quick-winged messenger Mercury stations direct early in the morning, he lands right in the Heart center of Aquarius, bringing a new vision to our thoughts and how we are thinking about ourselves and the world. Aquarius is the visionary of this new time and so as we open our minds and our vision we can truly use this energy to shape our conscious thoughts in such a positive way as to propel us forward on our pilgrimage of Love.
The coming together of Venus and Mars in Sacred Marriage begins its movement on February 20th.
From the heavenly gateway of the golden sphere of the Sun, birthing forth on the horizon as a beautiful new Light, a beautiful Masculine Archetype steps forward. As we witness this illuminated Mars bridegroom rising on the horizon, we see that his Heart is ablaze with holy Love for his beloved bride. Here, through his awakening he comes forth, his Heart overflowing with Love for all of humanity. Through his graceful Heart Light, spiraling codes of Masculine Light flow forth and spill across the land, touching everything in its field of Love. This beautiful Royal Bridegroom steps forward to spread his wings of Light… And with his Heart opening wider, you feel the fire of his sacred initiation flowing in spiraling waves of warm golden Amrita kissing your crystalline crown thousand petal lotus flower awake… It swirls through the vortexes of your chakras, activating and touching you within the deepest places of your being… Illuminating and awakening your inner Masculine Codes of Light. Healing the past pain and separation that brought about the fall of the Union of the Holy Bride and Bridegroom within the Hearts and Minds of all mankind, this is the dance of Mars within the sacred Love Union of his Beloved Bride, Venus.
As we look towards the sacred union from the mirror in the starry skies this month, they reflect within us the Heart Light of the Royal Masculine Bridegroom (Mars) and the luminous feminine Light of the Sacred Bride (Venus) dancing in Sacred Harmony, Heart-to-Heart, Soul-to-Soul. Love is in the air…
Also Rising in Her Rebirth is Venus
Goddess of beauty and Love, the brightest star in the morning sky, Venus is a beacon of illumination for the entire world to dream upon. For, in the very moment that you truly turn your gaze upon her, you are instantly enveloped with the grace of her radiant Love, beauty, and wisdom.
The song of her Soul echoes within the Hearts of the beloved as she draws lovers together in a fiery and passionate embrace. Magnetic and alluring, she is the muse who abides within your Heart, calling you to search deep inside your Soul as she holds the mirror up for you to experience your divinity through the eyes of Love.
On Friday February 20th… Our beloved Venus, in all of her feminine allure, arises at 12:06 pm with the mystical moon dancing into Aries just a few hours later at 3:13 pm. Then just a few minutes later, Venus and the moon align, marking Venus’s rise through the third gateway as she rises up from the underworld. At the third gateway, Venus reclaims her double stranded lapis beaded necklace, symbolizing authentic communication and a new way of walking in the world. This alignment truly mirrors this ability in our own way of communication and particularly in how we communicate with our beloved and in sacred relationships.
On Saturday, February 21st, Venus and Mars come together with the feminine Light of the Moon in a circle of healing and alignment. For here within this circle the Moon is occulting Uranus, heralding a new vision of how we come together in sacred Divine Union between our inner masculine and feminine. An occultation energetically has the same potency as a full eclipse, and this will be the second time the Moon has occulted Uranus this year… Truly healing all of humanity and aligning us to receive the beautiful activation of Venus and Mars on Sunday, the 22nd of February.
Sacred Union of the Soulful
Bride and Bridegroom
This beautiful soulful sacred union between Venus and Mars occurs exactly at 01°Aries 42′
With Grace and Divine Love–Love being the key word here, Sacred Union is formed within these two celestial archetypes… Ushering in and birthing forth the Divine Codes of the Sacred Masculine energies of the Holy Bridegroom in Divine Union with his Holy Bride of Light. And with brilliant luminosity, Mars (the Bridegroom archetype) is coming into Divine Union with Venus (the sacred bride) to once again weave the luminous threads of sacred marriage within the Divine Masculine and Feminine Heart of humanity.
Within the Light of this magnificent blessing, all the heavens are singing to the rhythm of change and to the birth of new beginnings… For a most amazing Grace is being bestowed upon the Masculine Principle of humanity. Healing the past pain of separation from Source in the Heart of his gracious Beloved Bride, the Bridegroom is receiving a Divine Dispensation and release of all karmic pain lived through the fall of the true Divine and sacred union within the Hearts and Minds of humanity…. To return him to his rightful place of honoring all life in Divine Harmony with his hallowed Bride.
I invite you to join me for a mystical sacred union activation on February 22nd. Let’s celebrate our soulful union with the Beloved together. For this is a magnificent time to align your dreams with the heavens, bridging heaven on earth right here in your Heart.
In Love, Susanna Sophia