Healing the Shadow
Blessings and Love,
As I was moving through the powerful gateway of this Full Moon, I have been diving in deeply with Mary Magdalene and the Archangels and aligning with flow of all that is to be shared through the workshop that I am now creating. I love these creative processes as they invite me to take a more expansive look at what is occurring in the world around us and at the main themes that are playing out that need healing. I aways ask the question of how can we navigate through these energies to bring balance and illumination through difficult life initiations and change.
Sitting in meditation, I began to think about what is being reflected through the overall theme of the energy that is playing out at the present moment in America, as well as around the globe. One of the movements that calls to me on a personal level is the awakening and return of the Divine Feminine essence on the planet. This movement is bringing a level of accountability for abuses that for a long time were just simply swept under the table and even accepted as just “how it is”.
Powerful and positive and change does not come easily and it is rarely wrapped up in a nice clean and neat package. And so, we are sin the midst of a big shakedown and in the process we are discovering how to have healthy boundaries, how to honor our bodies, how to say no and how to empower ourselves once more.
As I share this I also want to honor all of the wonderful men who have never abused anyone, who hold a sacred place in their hearts to honor the women in their lives. I know quite a few of these men and I can also see how creating an overall negative stereotype of the masculine affects them. This is the place where things swing from one side to the other before coming back into balance.
This lead me to thinking about all of the many people who are not living their dreams because they are stuck in the polarity of the collective disharmony being expressed in the moment. I have talked to many people who don’t feel that they can be happy when so much is going on in the world. They are feeling a sense of guilt for not being a part of the struggle.
Here, we discover the archetype of the Shamer, a person who wants us to feel guilty even when we are not. If we look at the situation more closely, we realize that not everyone should be experiencing hardship, struggle or pain, for this is also a soul lesson that they have already learned. Each of us will go through our own soul lessons as they are revealed through life initiations. When I look around, I actually see that there is a lot of good happening and a lot of light and kindness being shared by many. There is more light and more energy to live our dreams and sometimes simply holding the space of light is all that is needed.
It seems that we go through cycles of change and this is very much needed for our growth and as time is accelerating, we are naturally feeling some urgency in this moment to make the right choices for our future. And yet, when we get stuck, swinging to one side or the other, we cannot find our balance and we cannot create from a place of ungroundedness. Do you know someone like this? Are you in this moment living your dreams, are you feeling safe in the world, grounded and balanced do you believe in yourself?? If not, perhaps it is time to do a little shadow work, as this is one of the main themes being brought to the surface. Yes, out of the darkness and into the light. All of the things that have wanted to stay hidden are now being exposed.
When I work with people on a spiritual level, and especially around the topic of living their best possible life, they often share with me that they feel that outside forces or bad luck are blocking them, or that they are unworthy to live life as they desire, or that God has just forgotten them. And for the most part, the cards of life have been stacked against them and they don’t expect it will ever change.
Looking closer, we see that if we believe in a judgmental God sitting on his throne who is gifting some while punishing others, we can easily feel abandoned, unworthy and unloved. I believe with all of my heart that Yeshua came to share a very different message. His message was one of unity and deep soulful connection with a divine Father and Mother who, when we become whole with, we would create many miracles and live heaven in our hearts—for truly it is right here, right now.
Generally, when I work with someone, we dive in together to see where this wound began. We find that there was a moment or two—or three—where they did not achieve the goal or dream that they had set their heart on, or they were criticized by someone they admired or told they needed to be realistic. For instance, if they love art, they might be told that no one makes a living as an artist, etc. Here is where their heartbreak begins, and if the cycle of disappointment repeats without someone to inspire them or believe in them or to push them through to victory, their heart begins to close down and protect itself from getting hurt again. To give up is, in essence, a heartbreak. And so they tucked their dreams, their talents, their calling, down deep inside—and with this, they closed off a little bit of their heart innocence, imagination and the willpower to see it through. I often find, as we dig deeper, that their belief systems and neuropathways are cycling in a limiting, closed pattern of self doubt, fear and shame. In essence, even if they say affirmations and envision their ideal reality on the outside, they do not believe it on the inside. Little did they know that if they had just called upon the energy of divine will, they may have been able to stay the course to make their dreams come true.
Working With Our Archetypes
One of the things that I have discovered through my own deep work is that we must go to the core of our essence to meet some of the aspects that have formed limiting ideas within our psyche, such as meeting the Judge, the Victim, the Prosecutor and more. If this is new to you, you can access these archetypes by working with a good healer who can be objective, one who helps you to see some of your blind spots. The aspects or archetypes hold a particular pattern of energy; some are positive and others are can be quite harsh. Today, I am sharing about the archetypes that keep us stuck.
For instance if, through the inner Judge, we develop deep feelings of lack or hopelessness along the way and stuff it down, this can become depression; hence the phrase a pressing down. As we open the doorway of the subconscious mind to see where our ideas and beliefs don’t match what we want to create in our lives, we can then begin to go about the process of releasing these old beliefs and contracts that we have made within ourselves that do not serve the light of who we truly are.
This is not a magic wand that we can instantly wave and become a different person; more, it is the work of the priestess or spiritual seeker who walks the path of “Know Thy Self”. This is to leave no stone unturned in the pursuit of embodying your divine self, the true self that is always directly connected and interconnected through the web of Life to the Creatrix.
My Journey of Transformation
In my early years as a healer, I worked a lot with the shadow aspects of myself. This was interesting for me as I had been into positive thinking, the Silva Technique and the Science of Mind since my early teens. I find that, naturally, I look on the bright side of things and would rather not look at any of that unpleasant stuff!!! A few of my friends have lovingly nicknamed me “Pollyanna,” an excessively cheerful or optimistic person. And yet, when I dove into the depth of my shadow, I found some very dark and unforgiving places within the recesses of my being—and at first it took me aback. And yet I knew that I had to go through this initiation to grow as a person.
Here, I was able to look directly into the eyes of my judge and my victim, and I was also able to directly work with the matrix of the Perfectionist who just did not feel that I was ever going to do it good enough. Through working with the Perfectionist, I was able to make a relationship that helped me to move forward and let go when I needed to. I also was able to create a good relationship with this aspect of self. There were many more aspects to work through, and I feel that as I work with each one, I am able to move through challenges that come up with ease and grace.
Healing this ultimately allowed me to go forward and pursue what I love: healing work, doing oracle readings and coaching people. I really feel that each and every person should be living life pursuing the things that sets their heart on fire—with holy fire and passion!!!
When we set our intentions from the inner space of feeling lack, we begin the seed point of our dream with an infusion of doubt. This seed point of doubt can be all that is needed to derail the dream before it becomes reality.
It is important to take time to set your dream in motion with a lot of positive energy that comes from a place of heartfelt passion, worthiness and inner faith. We can get to this place through releasing what does not serve us and embrace the universal principles of manifestation. Here, we discover the wonder and wisdom of the infinite universe and our intrinsic place among the stars. This is true whether we are desiring a relationship, career change, or to manifest your dream home—the universe is infinite and abundant in all ways!
Prayer Intention
It is true that the science of powerful prayer intention said with inner conviction and passion creates a vortex of energy that is like a magnetic wave of sound and light frequency. This moves out from our neuropathways and nervous center in a spiral of energy around us, and when focused with love, desire and faith, begins to draw in the people, places and things within our lives that support our deepest dreams and desires. Thus it is so true that, “As above, so below; as within, so without”. This is the universal principle that, if mastered, aligns one with the ability to create her highest possible experience of life.
The other thing to remember, as our soul is always wanting to grow, expand and learn—and also to guide us to our mastery—that challenges, when faced through healing the shadow, facing our fears and our moving past our inner blocks, can open up doors of infinite possibilities and wonder.
Through the conditioning of ancestry, culture and community, we may have experienced a world matrix of limit and lack over a long period of time. We have forgotten that we are magnificent, infinite co-creators with the Source (Mother Father God). We are each magnificent multifaceted gems, divine sparks from the heart of the Creatrix (Sophia). Birthed in her image, we are reflecting the experience of life back to her, and when we open our minds, body and soul, we reflect the true infinite abundant nature of ourselves. Yes, the Creatrix is experiencing life through all of us, through all of her creations—limitless and free!
When we ignite our desires and dreams with the fuel of our fiery passion—I am speaking of allowing yourself to really love your creation, your intention, with every ounce of your being—when we rise above the illusions of self doubt, shame and guilt to love fiercely and fully without bounds or fear—fear that we may lose or be rejected or feel not good enough—these limiting thoughts are the shadow aspects of self. And when we have the courage to look into these aspects, when we forgive ourselves, when we honor our darkest moments—something magical happens! We are able to see past the places and experiences where our hearts were broken, to heal the hurt or disappointment we endured to uncover the soul gifts and treasures that have been hidden within. Here, we see that we have shoved a valuable part of our hearts, our vulnerability, our imagination, into the darkness, while all of this time she has been waiting to rise, to step into the Light.
Remember that one of the principles of this Earth is that we do have free will. This is inner free will that, when aligned powerfully within our belief and soul contracts, we can change our paths. We can quite literally rebirth ourselves and live our dreams as reality. I know this is true, because I have done this several times over, and also, I have had the grace to witness others doing the same!
We Are Born to Dream Things into Being
I believe that we are, in essence, a multi-faceted reflection of the Creatrix, the Sophia, and we were born to create, to dream, to bring things into physical reality. I also believe that we were all born from the infinite light of Creation—and from this creative spark we can never be separated. When we align with our higher mind or Christ Consciousness, we are then able to create miracles as Yeshua did. And, in fact, his true words were that, “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these.…” We are the lineage of the Christ Light; we are here to reclaim our spiritual sovereignty as well as our true nature as co-creators with the Creatrix.
I am lighting candles on my altar and sending out a call to all of those who want to dream, design and live your destiny with soul, with love, in this very present moment.
And as we each embody our inner creative juiciness and fire, let us also send this energy out to those around us to live passionately from their hearts as well.
I would love to hear your dreams and desires and also the places where you meet the shadow.
Let us create a powerful Prayer Circle to illuminate our lives and help us to fully embody our true divinity!!!