![womb love transmission](http://sophiatempleoflight.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/womb-love-transmission.jpg)
Lady Christ: Activating Your Feminine Codes of Light
Spring is in the Air as the Solar Lord returns in all of his glowing golden radiance… His rays of Light pierce the dawn as the escalating energies of this month’s Equinox-New Moon-Solar Eclipse Gateway gain more momentum and power with each new day… From deep within the cosmic womb of the Divine Mother, celestial tides flow through the Solar Gateway as brilliant rainbow dewdrops of spherical Sound Codes of Light land and dance soulfully upon Gaia’s belly… As we look around everywhere we see that the earth has been kissed with a shimmering liquid Light. Behold, as within this glittering reflection is the promise of a New Feminine Energy, now emerging from deep within our beings… This beautiful birthing is a gift of Grace from the Divine Mother herself, Beloved Sophia, as she is honoring all of her children through the igniting of the Sacred Feminine Light within all of humanity… This month’s Equinox celebration promises to activate the shakti fire and creative passion of our Soul’s feminine flame of Creation, a time to dance our bliss and receive Spring’s sacred kiss… Seeding the passion of our Dreams deep within the rich vibrant soil of Gaia’s womb.
Already seeded within our Divine Blueprint, this month calls us to ignite our sacred Feminine Codes of Light… Here we honor the star alliances of the Uranus/Pluto square that are bringing forth great change and illumination to the collective by breaking down the old paradigms and illusions of the mind that have kept us trapped in fear and separation. And now, through the illumination of Pluto’s underworld we, as warriors of the Light, are now seeking freedom through truth… The eternal truth that we are all Divine living, breathing multidimensional Beings of Light…
This month more than ever, the divinely feminine force of Sophia’s wisdom speaks directly to our Hearts… Through our resonance with this inner gnosis, our own passionate voice is now soulfully infused with the power to live our Truth, to create our Life from the essence of our Birthright as beautiful co-creators of Life… Right now, in this very moment, the celestial bodies of Light are aligning to help us to awaken, activate and assimilate the Lady Christ Codes of Light…
This month’s empowering equinox portal is the time when the Sun enters Aries at zero degrees in alignment with the New Moon Solar Eclipse to activate the spiritual warrioress within. She is not one who stands on the battlefield armed with weaponry; rather she is the one who is aligned with her true purpose and the passion for the birthing of the New Earth… She is a warrior of Truth, Beauty and Love. Here in her sovereignty, the warrioress of Light stays silent when there is nothing to be said and speaks the truth only to those who have ears to truly hear. She honors her Divine Timing and her Divine Knowing from deep within the very essence of her womanhood… She is an oracle of inner wisdom and Love. This gnosis of wisdom and truth are illuminated and shine forth from her Light sword as the sacred Flame of Love…
We approach the 7th and final gateway of this series of Uranus/Pluto squares (the first one having begun back on June 24, 2012)… In the early morning hours of March 16th, all may seem calm and quiet on the horizon… But just beneath the smooth surface of the peaceful awakening, the Sun’s rays will be penetrating deep into the Mind of the collective consciousness. The energies of the Uranus/Pluto square are permeating and shining a Light into the shadow, into what has been hidden deep within the collective consciousness for the last millennium. Here, the celestial Light of Uranus is piercing through humanity’s deepest secrets and fears in order to heal our wounds of separation from Source.
These two powerful celestial energies are now dynamically squaring off… The expression of its highest potential often resulting in deep healing and the clearing of old patterning that affects us individually as well as collectively. These two planetary agents of change have been illuminating the evolution of all of humanity. We have witnessed the energies of Pluto (the shadow) working with Uranus (the illuminator) as they activate change on the world stage… Uranus is the planetary body and archetype for Higher Learning, the Visionary who helps us to envision a world of Light, living Light. Uranus is also known for its ability to create a quantum change at lightening speed, accelerating our Spiritual Evolution and Awakening by shining a Light deep into the shadow of Pluto, the planetary being and archetype that holds the matrix of the shadow and the deeper alchemical mysteries. Uranus is now shining its visionary Light into the depths of the Plutonian mysteries. During this transformational Uranus/Pluto square, these two change agents of spontaneous evolution are truly calling us to wake up as they are purposely rocking our world, shaking up our old patriarchal foundations and inviting us to examine our thoughts and belief systems to help us to create our Minds anew—fresh and illuminated from within the Divine Spark of our radiant Self.
When these two planetary luminaries square they create a tension that reaches deep within the collective whole. Uranus is known to move like lightning and, permeating us with his full visionary flashes of insight, he invites us to examine and bring to the forefront what we have hidden in shadow… Following last month’s Sacred Marriage and New Masculine Codes of Light, this month we we are now being illuminated with the Divine Codes of the Sacred feminine. All of this is being played out on the world stage and truly we are experiencing and witnessing this all around us. These energies invite us to help this process along by really taking an active roll and looking into our Souls at a deep level to see how we are relating to others… Embracing any foundational breakdowns will be the catalyst for truly going from breakdown to breakthrough…
As the masculine energies of Mars and the sacred feminine essence of Venus are still dancing in and out of each other’s orbits this month, Mars triggers the Uranus/Pluto square on the eleventh, bringing new insights into the shadowy ways that women have been treated in society. Sudden endings will bring new beginnings. This also is shining a Light on the ways in which women have mistreated themselves and also fallen out of Love with their inner masculine… This is all true for men as well; we have all suffered together through the persecution of our inner feminine.
If we are willing and able to take a deep look into what we have hidden within our own shadow as well as seeing the stories we have bought into within the collective shadow, Uruanus illuminates our desire to free ourselves from the old patriarchal society within the luminous flight of Venus this month. As she rises up to pass through the fourth gate, the gate of the Heart, on March 22nd you will have the ability to heal the expression of your own Heart and how your relate in relationship… Here, as you rise above the lower mind, the shadow within the underworld, you see the world from a more elevated perspective. You are invited to soar with the Phoenix to rise above and to view the world from a higher, more whole perspective… From this perspective you will be able to see the play of the Light and shadow within all of your relationships, bringing you into a more balanced place of relating to others. From this space, realness, truth and flashes of insight will permeate you mind, bringing deep healing to your Heart and Soul.
While riding the cosmic waves and webs and flows of these tremendously transformational times, you may have been feeling a little off balance and out of sorts, and with so many shifts happening on a global level it can almost feel that things are getting worse and not better. Please know that all that we are experiencing is a part of this great Divine Energy of change and transformation and we are being poised at this very moment for an evolutionary shift in consciousness. Here are some symptoms of comic awakening that you may be experiencing in this moment and in days to come: Feeling like you are riding on a tidal wave of emotions. Riding high on a wave of ecstatic bliss one moment, only to feel your wave dropping out from right underneath you the next as you once again go tumbling into uncertainty.
If you are experiencing headaches – you are most likely experiencing downloads of cosmic Light that are illuminating parts of your brain that have been shut down since childhood. Forgetting things. Feeling tired. Feeling like you just need to break out, break free, time for a breakthrough… Waking up in the middle of the night at the same time every night. Or, perhaps, you just don’t feel like yourself lately? These are just a few of the growing pains you may be experiencing now. These growing pains are designed to help you surrender whatever does not serve the Light of your destiny. As you let go… You will begin to live in the flow… Living from the core of a strong center of balance and inner peace.
Some of the old themes being cleansed, cleared and released during this cosmic blessing are all past lifetimes connected to religious wars and spiritual persecutions that forced many healers into hiding. This conjunction signifies an opportunity to rebirth yourself into wholeness and freedom. It is a time to take back your power and to share your healing gifts with the world. Healers, you are being invited on this day, to shine your Light, share your gifts, to create sacred circles of radiant healing Light to shepherd in the Aquarian Age…
Our Souls have waited so long to participate in this moment in time. I am honored to be on this journey together with you.
As we awaken through this month’s Equinox Gateway we are in for a surge of celestial and solar Light that will be felt for months to come. Global celebrations and ceremonies welcome us into Spring’s magnificent Solar Heart…
The Return of the Sacred Feminine Face of God
Last month we felt the energetic seeding and birthing of the Masculine Codes of Light being anchored deep within our Hearts and Minds. This month, as we have opened ourselves, Mind, Body and Soul for deep healing in the way we relate to our inner masculine, we are ready to ignite and rekindle our sacred feminine Heart fires… This is the energy of the Magdalene, the Codes of the Lady Christ… The beloved beautiful Divine Feminine Blueprint being activated to her next level of awakening.
We are ushered into this month’s Solar Eclipse Gateway with the new Moon in Pisces reaching perigee 14 hours prior to the Solar Eclipse Equinox. A perigee Moon is when the Moon is closest to the earth. Her bright and luminous goddess glow is designed to help us assimilate the Magdalene feminine mysteries of the Codes of the Lady Christ. the Eclipse will take place Early in the morning at 2:36 a.m. Pacific followed by the New Moon entering into Aries at 3:58 a.m. Pacific Time. As the Sun enters Aries at 3:45 p.m. celebrating the point of the Vernal Equinox… This energy calls for the seeding of the New Feminine Warriors of Light, of Love, of Beauty, Courage and strength. Yes, this month’s activation is designed to help us activate, align and anchor these qualities and energies within.
The feminine Light of the Aries New Moon and the Sun at 0 degrees on the Equinox calls forth to our inner Goddess Fire, our Amazon spirited woman who loves to dance and is fully comfortable in her shakti fire, the woman who is at home in her skin. She walks her talk and lives her truth from a place of inner wisdom and fresh wild abandonment and play to feel fully alive, living fully from her Heart’s passion, creating fully from her womb fire. And from this place of co-creative juiciness she envisions the New Earth and empowers all with the ability to Love, to live, to be, to dance, to play, to embrace our bodies and to Love ourselves. She honors our Soul’s journey, initiating us into being the Keepers of the Divine Feminine Fire…
On March 20th, you will experience the beaming, pulsating waves of unconditional Love as the Solar Light of our Sun with the luminous Light of the New Moon in Pisces Full Solar Eclipse will be flowing and transmitting the cosmic energy of unconditional Lady Christ Codes of Light and Love directly into your open Heart, streaming its waves of Celestial Light into the Hearts and Minds of all Humanity…
The Divine Feminine Flame is the eternal spark of creative Light housed deep within your most Holy Womb Chakra. When healed and illuminated, this sacred temple of Light creates a beautiful bridge connecting the Heart flame and the Third Eye center as a beautiful trinity of Light. When these centers align we are in touch with our inner feelings, Heart’s desires and sacred vision…
It is time to come together in a shared vision of unity to embody the Goddess from within. As we truly honor the return of the Goddess within our own Heart’s flame, she comes alive within the very essence of your being. She returns to her sacred place within the very core, the very fabric of your being. Here within the sacred fire of your Heart she also burns brightly within the Divine Feminine Flame of your Holy Womb Chakra… Through the etheric umbilical, each Man and each Woman connects into the pulsing rhythms of the Divine Womb of the World as well as to the Galactic Womb Center of Beloved Sophia.
As the Goddess returns in all her glory, the eternal Feminine spark is always living in bliss within the cosmic pulsating Womb of creation. Your Divine Feminine Flame is aligned and activated through embodying the pure radiant essence of your shakti power.
As we welcome the beginning of spring, a gentle breeze inspires us to connect deeply with Gaia, to create a deep and intimate relationship with with Mother Nature, the Nature Spirits and the Elementals… Take a moment to imagine yourself as a tree with roots that reach deep into the crystalline structures of the Earth. These roots connect energetically to the wisdom of the crystals and minerals, to the memory of all time… As you let go and sink into Gaia’s rich soil, feel her life force moving and dancing within every cell of your being: she is breathing through you and the song of her Heart pulsates within the center of your Soul.
In honor of this most magnificent Gateway, there will be a wonderful activation on March 20th, at 7:00 PM (Pacific Time). My gift for everyone who participates in this month’s activation will be a handful of wildflowers planted in your honor in the Forest here at the Sophia Temple of Light… Plus, I invite you to invite a friend to join in as your guest for free once you sign up… This is my gift of sharing the Light and expanding and opening our beautiful circle of Living Light…
This wonderful gateway also activates and aligns with our beautiful Embody Your Inner Oracle online course that begins on the day after the Equinox, on Saturday. Our first live Embody Your Inner Oracle phone call will begin then at 11:00 am.
I hope you will join me for one or both of these magnificent, powerful sharings…
May this time be a time of Rebirthing yourself into the Light of your Divine Christ Blueprint to live freely and passionately from you Heart…
In Divine Love, Susanna Sophia