Womb Love
Carriers Of The
Divine Feminine Flame
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Holy Womb Transmission Of Light
This Transmission is presently in the Birthing Canal and will be available soon!
Mary Magdalene shares with you that this magnificent time of awakening signifies the re-emergence and anchoring of the Divine Feminine Fire within the luminous matrix of your Holy Womb Chakra.
The Divine Feminine Flame is the eternal spark of creative Light housed deep within your most Holy Womb Chakra.
This Sacred Soulful Sophian Transmission Of Light will open direct portals of love and grace within your Sacred Holy Womb Chakra, the Womb Of The World and the Heart of the Celestial Mother.
Although this sacred Feminine Fire was significantly dimmed during this last cycle of soul/earth evolution, her Divine Spark never fully burned out. It has remained eternally lit as a small flicker of light hidden deep within the shadow of the feminine psyche. Deeply wounded, persecuted and abandoned by her masculine polarity, the Goddess Sophia, The Beloved Bride Of God, entered her most challenging initiation: The initiation into the dark night of the Feminine soul.
The Bride of God, Sophia, seated at the throne of the Holiest of Holies, felt deep love for her beautiful creation of Gaia and humanity. She dove into matter without assimilating her decent… Arriving through the mist that veils and surrounds the earth, disillusioned, Beloved Sophia began her long journey into life, and then into darkness and separation. Here within the shadowy realms of darkness, she learned how to surrender all of her vestments, her gifts, and her treasures. Through many dark nights, the Goddess learned how to give up the things that were most precious to her soul.
Learning how to live in the shadow of greed, power and persecution, and through a seemingly long cold night, the Beloved Sophia had to remember how to Love herself once again. For in her darkest hour, she discovered that she had abandoned her own Self… She had lost her faith… With perseverance and courage, she had to dive deeply into her heart to reclaim her Divine Spark. Only then could she know her divinely beautiful connection to the web of universal Light, as a Creator of Life. The Goddess cultivated and tended the Feminine Fire of her soul; she learned to Love every part of herself. The more she loved every cell in her being, the easier it became for her to forgive those who had persecuted and needlessly punished her. As she forgave her trespassers, her heart became empowered with Love.
In Love she discovered that she could no longer be a victim. And as she gained strength, she was able to see through the illusions of her past circumstances to fully gain the wisdom of the lessons her soul had chosen to learn.
She opened her heart even wider, and found that it was easy to forgive; easy to forgive those who did not know, those who have been asleep and those whose hearts were turned against the Divine Eternal Heart of the Cosmic Mother. For, just like her, they had forgotten who they truly were—Divine. Unique Divine Sparks of Light, birthed from the heart of the Creatrix…
Incredibly, we have made it thus far. Here we are, sailing across a cosmic sea of liquid Light at this most auspicious moment in time, the turning of the ages. As the old cycle ends, we now enter into a new creative cycle in our soul’s evolution: The return of the Divine Feminine Flame.
As the Goddess within your heart embodies the beauty, the goodness, in all things, she comes to truly honor her unique journey and the lessons of her soul. As together you embrace and celebrate the wisdom of your journey, together you begin to burn with passion. From this passion, all the pain you have endured burns away… The fire burns brightly through your soul. Your heart rises up as you embody the Goddess. You begin to feel yourself rising out of your own ashes, as together you are re-birthed. As the Phoenix, you rise like the morning star in the new dawn. Wings wide open and eager to live this Love that you have found within yourself.
This return brings balance and Light to both men and women. For the heart/soul of all men have suffered the loss of separation from the Divine Mother as well. They need to have their Divine Feminine spark ignited from within. We need each other to find our way back to Love, to living the Way of Love.
In this very moment, your soul is calling you on an inner quest to know and embody your true Feminine Fire, with an invitation to follow the spiraling journey of the Goddess. Surrender all that does not serve the Light of your soul. It is time to know yourself and honor your deepest desires. This is your moment to shine. Tend the passionate flames of your desires and stay the course of your dreams with fierce determination. Step by step you re-establish faith in yourself, and with your deep connection to all of Creation. To do this, you must journey deep inside yourself, into the very creative core of your being, into your sacred Womb Chakra. Journey deep into the pulsating rhythms of the birthing chamber to see the incredible and unique part you play in the unfolding of this most deliciously desirable, passionate, creative cosmic moment.
The eternal Divine Feminine Fire is always burning brightly within the cosmic pulsating Womb of creation. Your Divine Feminine Flame is aligned and activated through embodying the pure radiant essence of your shakti power.
Embodying your Divine Feminine Flame fuels your ability to manifest your thoughts and intentions in the physical universe. It is the passionate fire of alchemical regeneration and transmutation.
Swimming in a sea of shimmering stars, the Divine Feminine Flame dances in universal rhythm within the cycles of birth, life, death, and rebirth; gracefully it spirals through the Milky Way to rest in the heartbeat of the Divine Mother.
Your Divine Feminine Flame burns a brilliant bright white fire that embodies all of the colors of the rainbow. Encompassing all of the elements of nature, the core essence of its fire is crystalline liquid light.
This breathtakingly beautiful flame is housed within a brilliant multi-faceted diamond, its geometry resembling the sacred shape of the Vulva. This shape is often seen surrounding the enlightened masters in sacred art.
As the Goddess returns in all her glory, we must remember and be aware that Man has also suffered her loss. He is also feeling abandoned by the Mother, and consequently, out of balance. It is time to come together in a shared vision of unity to embody the Divine Masculine and Feminine Energies from within. As Man honors the return of the Goddess within his own heart, she comes alive within the very essence of his being. She returns to her sacred place of shared creation and unity as the Divine Feminine Flame also burns brightly within the etheric womb space of every male. Through the etheric umbilical, each Man connects into the pulsing rhythms of the Divine Womb of the World as well as to the Galactic Womb Center.
With grace and love, Mary Magdalene shares that the Keepers of the Divine Feminine Fire are awakening from a long winter’s sleep to rediscover their ancient vow to care for and to tend this passionate flame of Creative Fire.
She invites you, male or female, to set the intention to know if you are a Keeper of this Fire. If, in reading this, you feel a quickening in your Womb/Heart, a pulsing with excitement–then most likely, you are.
Mary Magdalene is standing before you. She lifts the grail cup to your lips. She offers you a drink of liquid Light, invites you to taste the elixir of Love from the chalice of the Divine Feminine Flame. Drink it in; let it flow through every cell in your being. Breathe it in; breathe as deeply as you can. Open your arms to Love, to Life, to living each moment fully in the Presence… For You are the Goddess and She is You… In Love, In Grace, In Flow… Always aware of your divinely lit Feminine Fire, blazing softly within your sacred Womb Temple of Light.
Your Divine Connection With Gaia’s Womb
The Housed deep inside the sacred Womb center of our beloved Mother Earth is a most stunning diamond-shaped crystal, named the Iron Core Crystal.
Approximately 15,000 miles wide, the Iron Core Crystal is a primal activator of electromagnetic waves which
undulate outwardly from the Womb of the World. These unceasing waves move out from the Womb of the World and up through Mother Earth’s crust, and are continually vibrating throughout the material realms of our world. These pulsating Womb waves are in constant cosmic spiral dance with the stellar Light frequencies of the Galactic Womb Center, the Womb of the Creatrix.
If you were to journey to the center of the Womb of the World, you would find yourself in the most magnificent Temple of Light The sacred geometry of the Womb of the World is a six-sided hexagon. Auspiciously, it is the same shape as a honeycomb. Just like the honeycomb, the Womb of the World Crystal is made up of closely packed hexagonal structures.
The beautiful cosmic dance between the Galactic Womb and the Womb of the World allows you, and all of those with open hearts and minds, the ability to access the many dimensional realms of Light that exist between Mother Earth and the Galactic Center, the Womb of the Creatrix.